Territory Dreaming has come and gone and boy oh boy did we had an awesome time. I want to extend a HUGE thank you to our star that made it all happen
Finnabair - you ROCK Floss and we are so grateful you shared your talents with us all and inspired us to no end!! More thanks go out to all the ladies who attended, it was awesome to meet you all and i thank you all from the bottom of my heart!
My sisters and mum played a huge part in helping me pull this together and keeping me in control through it all so thanks heaps Ang, Wendy & Mum LYLT xxxx
and who could forget the other parts of me Neil, Shani, Zeb & Jess - who thought they had lost their partner and mummy for a bit - but hey I'm back lol.............
Our STAR -
Finnabair with the canvas she created for the class - and how lucky was I, I got to keep it :-)
our goodies bags..............
the girls getting their Finn on................
Oh lookie look i even managed to get mine on too hehehehe.....
My friend Martha made it too all the way form the the USA lol..................
here are some of my creations Finnabair style :-) - my tea bag journal cover
&& Industrial Baroque
my others are still works in progress lol...
Some Northern Territory/Aussie Treats for Finn
Thanks again to everyone for making 'Territory Dreaming' ROCK !!!
until next time take care xx